Jobs for girls with high income

The best option to work in the field of erotic services is the country of Germany.

Yes, the prices are standard, not very high, but the working conditions are amazing - everything is legal, it's nice to work in a country with a high culture, where crime is minimised, where hygiene standards are high and erotic services are in steady demand.

Only in Germany is this possible, and more precisely in the private apartments where Lola works.

If you are taken for half an hour, the client usually leaves after 10-15 minutes. Because this is enough time for most clients to get satisfaction and you get paid for 10-15 minutes as for half an hour that you should have worked, but did not work with the consent of the client and it turns out that you get 100% or 80% tips almost all the time, in fact the prices end up being the same as in the club. So you can make a lot of money quickly and easily.
