Leisure work for girls

In clubs in Germany standard prices - 80 euros for half an hour, the employee 50 euros left, and the club takes 30 euros, for an hour paid 150 euros, the employee 90 euros left, the club takes 60.If the system of payment is considered as a percentage, it turns out 60% on 40%.

Conditions - EU passport required.

You will be bound by the contract.

If you are officially employed you will have to pay health insurance every month, the minimum starting price is 500 euros and you will have to pay 19% turnover tax and 15-20% income tax on your monthly income. In some clubs you still have to pay for accommodation and in the end the payment system is 50%/50%. Of course this can all be avoided when clubs employ you on a probationary period, but this is fraught with heavy fines.

Age limits are usually up to 30 years old. There are cases up to 35.

Not many people are suited to being on their feet and in heels all day and midnight.

Not many would be suited to breathing tobacco smoke all day and in the process of consuming tobacco smoke, being forced to drink alcohol frequently, listening to loud music all day, being in a tense competitive atmosphere with many other working girls, which means it would be difficult to avoid conflicts. Being out in the open all day, it's impossible to relax.

The administration often fines for unsatisfactory behaviour of a female worker.

It is difficult to get a job in the club without knowledge of German.

High requirements to the appearance of the worker.
