Erotic jobs for girls in Europe

Job candidates should not be worried, afraid or embarrassed by a sober assessment of their capabilities - some can do Anal and some can't some can work well and earn very big money and some can't.

In her professional qualifications, the worker has a goal of earning the most money in 2 weeks, so she urgently needs help from her employer in OPTIMISING her work.

In an amateur qualification, when a job candidate states that she is ready to work hard and intensively to earn as much money as possible, she is engaging in SELF-OBMANNESS, this is called cognitive dissonance, when a person simultaneously states that he/she wants it and at the same time proves through his/her actions that he/she does not want it and is afraid of it.

Therefore, a candidate for an amateur qualification is unfortunately not concerned with a good job and does not need maximum income for a number of reasons.
