Vacancies for girls sex workers in Germany

Yes of course there are good jobs in Germany in private apartments, usually there are always busy, the clients are only ethnic Germans, no Asians or blacks, there is a lot of work, and the pay is good, and the security is good - they will protect you from contact with the police or criminal elements.

Keep confidentiality, i.e. provide work without advertising on internet sites.

Can be taken at any age and with any appearance.

You can be hired with any passport and citizenship, the main thing is that you have a legal status of temporary stay in Germany and they can register you as a guest or temporary work assistant, so that you do not have to pay taxes and health insurance for a two or three-week stay in a private apartment in Germany.

The hygiene there is usually up to par and the facilities are comfortable and you're on your own.

The best option to work in the field of erotic services is Germany.

Yes, the prices are standard, not very high, but the working conditions are amazing - everything is legal, it's nice to work in a country with a high culture, where crime is minimised, where hygiene standards are high and there is a steady demand for erotic services.
